“See Exactly How I Generated Over $40,000 In Ten Days FREE Just By using Facebook!”
Thanks for your purchase! You can access all the Files guide to install below.
Do not share this page with anyone!
STEP #1:
Install WordPress on your domain
STEP #2:
Install these two plugins to your WP site from Plugins -> Add New -> Upload.
All In One WP Migration Plugin
All In One WP Migration File Extension.
STEP #3:
Activate both of those plugins.
STEP #4:
On your WP site dashboard, visit All-In-One WP Migration menu -> Import
STEP #5:
Download the .wpress files for Auto video sites
STEP #6:
Import the respective .wpress file for different video site you purchase (drag the file to the upload section)
Click Proceed until the import and file installation finish.
STEP #8:
Once the file installation is completed, visit any link on your WP Admin dashboard. You will then be asked to relogin.
To relogin, use these credentials -> Username: admin Password: 9N@&E$0i17sjd5as;8ebl
STEP 10:
Installation is completed! Now you can customize the site.
STEP #1 : *IMPORTANT* Go to Users menu -> Your Profile. Then change the default WP email address to your own email address.
After that visit your email inbox and confirm your email.
STEP #2: Visit WP Automatic menu -> Settings.
STEP #3: Locate the Ads Settings, and find this code: amzn_assoc_tracking_id = “yourid-20”;
Replace yourid-20 with your own Amazon associate ID, both for the Top Ad Code and Bottom Ad Code.
Then hit Save Changes.
STEP #4: Generate Youtube API Key
From WP Admin visit WP Automatic menu -> Settings. Then on Youtube Settings, replace the existing API Key with your own . Generate the key , guide to do it http://valvepress.com/how-to-get-a-youtube-api-key-to-post-from-youtube-to-wordpress/
STEP #5: Put your own advertisement ..
Go to Appearance >> Widgets — Then put your clickbank or any other advertisement in ” Main sidebar ” , header content ” , Footer widget 1 and footer widget 3
STEP #5: Put your Logo
Appearance >> Customizing >> Site Identity >> Logo Image
As part of your purchase, you get Fast Action Bonuses here is detail and download link
Bonus #1: 10 Readymade PLR Blog ( All installation detail is included in there respective zip folder , download it and unzip it )
Bonus #2: The Traffic Handbook
Bonus #3: How to Get Free Website Traffic
Bonus #4: Traffic Machine
Bonus #5: Blogging for Big Bucks
#1: VidVoice – Brand New 2-In-1 A.I Based Technology
#2: 300 HQ Cooking Videos Recipes w/Unrestricted Use Rights
#4: Video Game Profits – 14 Yr Old KID Makes $103 In 3 Hrs
#5: Ready to Profit Turnkey Video Websites Package
#6: VidRocket
70 Blog SiteGET IT NOW | 400 PLR BlogGET IT NOW |
Hello If you find any problem you can contact us at .
Email – sumitpradhan85@gmail.com
Skype – bapparabi
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sumit.pradhan